Nuestra Esperanza

Issue Brief

Want to be part of a movement advancing education equity and opportunity across North Carolina? Read and share our issue brief Nuestra Esperanza! Our bilingual report outlines insights on building an ecosystem for Latinx education leadership to thrive in our state.

In the face of the historical underfunding of public education, notably highlighted in the ongoing case of Leandro v the State of North Carolina, education advocates and institutions committed to equity and inclusion continue to ask: How do we increase the representation of Latinos in education? Local and statewide efforts to increase educator representation amid teacher shortages and insufficient funding for public education continue to amplify the challenges and opportunities in increasing diversity in education. Over the years, LatinxEd’s community of educators and advocates has grappled with the same questions. After hosting an extensive statewide community listening tour which resulted in the #SomosNC Report, this issue brief marks the continuation of our learning journey as we get closer to comprehensive solutions.

With support from The Belk Foundation, the John M. Belk Endowment, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, LatinxEd seeks to advance the conversation by: 

  1. Broadening who we define as Latinx education leaders,
  2. Asking Latinx education leaders about the challenges they face in their respective educational environments, and
  3. Inquiring about their motivations to continue working in the field of education.

Overall, we hope to deepen our collective understanding and demand for critical investments in the conditions that will promote the well-being and longevity of Latinx education leaders, as well as leaders of all identities and backgrounds.

For this issue brief, LatinxEd surveyed and conducted focus groups with LatinxEd Fellows to understand their experiences as Latinx education leaders. The diverse representation within the LatinxEd Fellowship cohorts – including region, county, field, age, and identity, to name some –  allowed for a comprehensive exploration of Latinx education leaders’ needs across North Carolina. 

Additionally – while the LatinxEd Fellowship provides tools, cultivates community, and offers opportunities for identity and leadership development – Fellows remain equally impacted by the inequitable conditions of the education system just as non-fellows. Due to this, we considered them a valuable and insightful sample size to explore the needs of Latinx education leaders in North Carolina. Focus group participants were asked about their motivations for entering the field, reasons for persistence, challenges, leveraged support, and reimagining of the education field.

Read the Issue Brief Here.

This publication is the culmination of conversations with Latinx education leaders from 21 counties across North Carolina to identify promising recruitment and retention strategies that promote sustainable conditions for these leaders in their respective fields.


Missed our live event? No worries!

Our latest issue brief, Nuestra Esperanza, was released on April 3rd, and you can now watch the recording at your convenience.  Latinx education leaders shared their valuable insights on fostering an ecosystem for Latinx education leadership to flourish in North Carolina. Dive into our in-depth conversation as we envision a more diverse and supportive educational landscape together. We remain committed to the belief that when Latinx education leaders succeed, our Latinx students and families thrive as well. Watch the recording to be part of this important discussion!


If you have any questions or thoughts about Nuestra Esperanza, sign up for a brief one-on-one conversation with me here or email me at  – excited to discuss this issue brief with you!

Lucia Lozano Robledo

Curriculum & Program Specialist

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