Pronouns: she/her/ella

Roots: Cuba and Colombia

Job Title: Student at Lee Early College

Sanford, NC

Mia Granda

Student at Lee Early College

Mia is an Early College kid who has seen their way around shaky learning environments. When she got into the fellowship she was so overjoyed and excited; seeing that was wonderful. After hearing what the fellowship was really about and how much Mia related, she decided to make a go for it. She was an overachiever in her education and faced many hardships regarding who she was as an individual. She never kept quiet about her struggles however, she put her obstacles in the essay to apply for her early college which made a great talking topic in her interview. Soon after she enrolled freshman year she gained a role on an AVID panel to represent the school and even achieved access into the National Junior Honor Society. However she enjoys free time in artistic categories and with her pets. She hopes to achieve two associates degrees, one for science and the other for art. Mia also wishes for a better educational environment for the youth due to the difficulties she faced within the school system. Mia also wants to appreciate her mother for recommending such a fulfilling opportunity through her own experience and urging her to attend their interviews.